25 Years of Border Archaeology
A not-too-serious look back at our first 25 years

Border’s birth – the company takes its first albeit hesitant steps into the world of commercial archaeology and quickly learns that reality is different to the concept.

Team Border boosts its numbers as utility work takes off on behalf of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water;

A move to new premises in historic Leominster … Border sets up shop in a converted chapel and former dance studio (complete with sprung floor!) with satellite offices established in Winchester and Bristol. This was when we got the bug of meeting & talking to people about archaeology we find in their neighborhood – since then, over 5500 interested local residents have attended our Evening Presentations, often followed by liquid refreshment. Border dug up parts of a rather large number of ecclesiastical properties over these years.

Who’d have thought, indeed where did that time go?! An initial evaluation in Milton Keynes on behalf of a leading UK developer spawns a continuous archaeological programme of work on over 1.4 million square metres over 10 years in connection with the commercial/residential development in the MK Strategic Urban Area Extension, The discovery of an entire Late Iron Age/Romano-British landscape on both sides of MK became rather familiar over the ensuing years Such a work programme necessitating new onsite offices and a dedicated environmental laboratory manned by specialist staff. Our growth meanwhile secures ongoing contracts with Bristol Water, South East Water and other water companies as well as working with English Heritage, the National Trust and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) (Border being the first to complete the NRW (then Countryside Commission for Wales) LANDMAP initiative);

As staff numbers rocket, Border outgrows the chapel, gave up dancing and moves to its own purpose-built offices on the outskirts of Leominster housing post-ex, research and administrative functions.

Archaeology on-and-in-the-ground isn’t the only game in town and Border continues to develop its research side undertaking projects ranging from Environmental Statements, Impact Assessment and DBAs to Standing Building Recording to Management Plans and Conservation Area Appraisals. Clients include homeowners, developers large and small, councils and heritage bodies.

April marks the 25th year......and we press on with a very substantial diverse workload... more past details - not all glorious- over the next year will appear here! Thanks for sharing in our Glance Backwards.