Heritage Impact Assessment, Herefordshire

BA undertook a Heritage Impact Assessment in support of a planning application submitted to Herefordshire Council for the extension and refurbishment of a hardwood mill at Pontrilas Sawmills.

In Brief

Client: Sawmill Sector: Construction Services:

Heritage Impact Assessment

Location: Herefordshire

Key Points

  • Assessment of the impact of the proposed development on the setting of the Grade II listed medieval parish church of St. Mary Kenderchurch, occupying a prominent hilltop site overlooking the sawmills.
  • The Heritage Impact Assessment was informed by a site visit, consultation of the Herefordshire Historic Environment Record, documentary records and historic mapping.


The potential impact on the Grade II Listed, c.12th century origin Church of St. Mary which overlooks the site from a hilltop was assessed as Slight. Though it retains some medieval fabric, the church’s fabric predominantly dates to 1871, when a major programme of restoration and refurbishment was undertaken to designs by Herefordshire architect William Chick. The building’s hilltop location is also significant, making it an imposing building with advantageous views of the surrounding landscape which is protected from flooding. The church’s setting has included buildings associated with Pontrilas Sawmills since 1947.

This assessment of impact principally reflected that there were no safe, publicly accessible views of the church looking past the area of the proposed development, with views from less safe areas along the A456 and also from the church being minimally impacted, the proposed development being less than 25cm taller than existing buildings in the relevant area of the site and of similar massing and style to the sawmill buildings which have been part of the asset’s setting for many years.


The overall impact in heritage terms was assessed as Slight, reflecting that there will be a minimal change to the existing setting of the Grade II listed church. The planning application was approved, allowing development to proceed.