Heritage Assessment, Stroud

Border Archaeology undertook a Heritage Assessment in support of a planning application submitted to Stroud District Council for the installation of two air conditioning units at Nelson Street.

In Brief

Client: Private Individual Sector: Construction Services:

Heritage Assessment

Location: Stroud

Key Points

  • Heritage Assessment to accompany a planning application submitted to Stroud District Council for the installation of two air conditioning units at 17-18 Nelson Street, a building within the Stroud Town Centre Conservation Area and within the setting of several Grade II Listed Buildings.


The proposed development was in an area which was, for the majority, not visible in publicly accessible areas of the Stroud Town Centre Conservation Area, significantly limiting its potential impact on the character of the historic town, the growth of which was closely related to textile trade and production. Minimal intervisibility also limited the potential impact to the early-19th century 19-20 Nelson Street and Rose Cottages, two Grade II Listed Buildings.


Planning approval was granted.