We have show-cased our finds to over 4500 members of the public, fully supporting our clients in their commitment to engage and connect local communities to heritage assets.
Please see below for a small selection

Interesting finds recovered by Border Archaeology Field Archaeologists in Milton Keynes…

It’s truly surprising what turns up in a soil sample!

Dated 10 BC-AD 70

Look what we’ve just unearthed…

We’ve unearthed a zoomorphic knife handle in Milton Keynes……

Look what our Milton Keynes Team has just unearthed!

Our MK Team have just unearthed an early Roman complete copper alloy brooch

Our Milton Keynes Team have unearthed a Romano-British Copper Alloy Needle

Our Milton Keynes Team has recently unearthed an interesting personal item!

Our Milton Keynes Team has recently unearthed a lathe-turned bead of Roman date

Field Archaeologist Prue Rye carefully unearths a complete vessel in Milton Keynes

Steve Knibbs of BBC Points West talks to members of our Project Pilgrim Team