We have show-cased our finds to over 4500 members of the public, fully supporting our clients in their commitment to engage and connect local communities to heritage assets.
Please see below for a small selection

Lid of a needle case….

We’ve just unearthed this small carved object

Over the past two weeks, Ian Channell Wright MA (Hons), MSc, MSc has been conserving coffin grip plates from our recent Project Pilgrim excavations at Gloucester Cathedral

Dr Lynne Bevan, Worked Bone and Small Finds Specialist, has submitted her report on the small bone finds recently unearthed at Gloucester Cathedral. Below is an extract:

Results are back from our coin specialist, Dr Adrien Popescu, Keeper of Coins & Medals at The Fitzwilliam Museum

Worked bone handle and object

Our Gloucester Team have unearthed another 5 coins

Check out the latest coin unearthed by our Project Pilgrim Archaeologists……

Border Archaeology Field Staff have uncovered an unusual variant of a Roman copper alloy "Trumpet" brooch.

Our team have unearthed a skeleton found with part of a prosthetic limb

Last week we unearthed 3 coins and spot dates have just arrived from our coin specialist.

"Not a perfect match but ……"