
10 Go Ape!
10 Go Ape!

10 from our Milton Keynes Team down their tools…

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Dustpan Conformity
Dustpan Conformity

The Border brand cleans up!

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 Congratulations Ian!
 Congratulations Ian!

 Congratulations to Ian Channell Wright MA (Hons), MSc, MSc who has graduated from Cardiff University with an MSc degree in Conservation Practice

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Conserving Coffin Grip Plates: History, Manufacture, Material and Conservation
Conserving Coffin Grip Plates: History, Manufacture, Material and Conservation

Over the past two weeks, Ian Channell Wright MA (Hons), MSc, MSc has been conserving coffin grip plates from our recent Project Pilgrim excavations at Gloucester Cathedral

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Kim receiving flowers from Kate Smith, Post-Ex Delivery Support Manager, before heading off for her maternity leave.
A New Arrival!

Congratulations to Kim Doolan BA (Hons), Post-Excavation and Archiving Assistant (Leominster) who gave birth on Saturday to a bouncing baby boy.

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Complete In-House Post-Excavation Facility
Archaeological “Walkaround” – Milton Keynes

Thanks to you and to the team for an enthralling tour yesterday…

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Small bone objects unearthed during archaeological evaluation at Gloucester Cathedral
Results are in for Small Bone Objects

Dr Lynne Bevan, Worked Bone and Small Finds Specialist, has submitted her report on the small bone finds recently unearthed at Gloucester Cathedral. Below is an extract:

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Border Archaeology actively encourages CIfA accreditation. After one year’s service we cover related costs.
Bravo Emily and Mark!

Congratulations to Emily Brewer BA and Mark Sargent BA who have just been accredited by the CIfA at Practitioner grade.

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The Border Team were able to enjoy sharing and comparing accounts of the Romano-British archaeology we are uncovering in Milton Keynes
Bancroft Treat

Our Milton Keynes Field Archaeology Team downed tools recently when they visited Bancroft Roman Villa

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Coins unearthed during Archaeological Evaluation at Gloucester Cathedral
Spot dates are in…

Results are back from our coin specialist, Dr Adrien Popescu, Keeper of Coins & Medals at The Fitzwilliam Museum

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Small bone objects unearthed during archaeological evaluation at Gloucester Cathedral
Latest Finds at Project Pilgrim

Worked bone handle and object

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Brittany Hill PhD  has just been awarded PC​I​fA grade accreditation.Border Archaeology actively encourages staff CIfA membership.
Congratulations Brittany!

Congratulations to Brittany Hill who has been awarded practitioner membership of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

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