Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, Berkshire
On behalf of Network Rail, a Desk-Based Assessment was undertaken as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment to establish the impact of railway engineering works at Barnard’s Lock

In Brief
Desk-Based Assessment; Environmental Impact Assessment; Walkover Survey
Location: Barnard's Lock, BerkshireKey Points
- 19th century railway bridge over the River Kennet
- Archaeological Impact Assessment of alternative engineering options
Combining documentary research with field data our experts assessed the impact of alternative engineering options affecting a 19th century rail crossing over the River Kennet, close to the Kennet and Avon Canal.
We were able to advise which of these options would least impact upon the historic environment and any underlying alluvial and peat deposits of potential palaeoenvironmental significance.
View our report here: ADS Grey Literature Library
Client advised as to which identified option would least impact upon the historic environment