Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, East London
An Archaeological Desk Based Assessment was undertaken regarding proposed building works at land adjoining Federation of Synagogues Cemetery.
In Brief
Key Points
- Significant number of past archaeological investigations dated to the prehistoric and Romano- British period
- Located in an Archaeological Priority Area
The site was in an Archaeological Priority Area as designated by Havering Borough Council, deemed as having a high potential for prehistoric and palaeoenvironmental deposits.
The site had a high potential to contain remains dating to the prehistoric and Roman period, with a number of significant features and finds dating to both periods within the study area. The site also contained a set of rectilinear crop marks in the south-eastern extent, which it has been suggested, follows a similar layout to that of a standard Roman villa.
The site had a moderate potential to contain remains dating to the medieval period given a number of medieval features were recorded within the study area, as well as a ‘lost’ manor that is thought to have been in the vicinity of the site.
The site was deemed as having high potential for archaeological survival given the level of prehistoric and Romano- British activity that had been recorded in the area.