Archaeological Evaluation & Excavation, Milton Keynes
Over the last few years, we have worked within Milton Keynes on part of its urban expansion programme.

In Brief
Written Scheme of Investigation/WSI; Trial Trenching/ Archaeological Evaluation; Archaeological Excavation; Onsite Palaeoenvironmental Science; Onsite Osteology; Onsite Finds, Flora & Fauna
Location: Milton Keynes, BuckinghamshireKey Points
- Large scale urban expansion
- Extensive Iron Age / Romano-British landscape
- Onsite processing and advice
- Resolution of archaeological issues to timeline
- Land released for development
Comprising residential, commercial and associated infrastructure development, this phased programme on both sides of the town has released land for development consistent with project timelines.
To date we have undertaken evaluation and mitigation of c.1 million square metres to reveal and record an extensive Iron Age/ Romano-British landscape.
Our Milton Keynes based Palaeoenvironmental and Finds Processing Facility together with our human bone specialists assist in the timely resolution of archaeological issues.
Constructive dialogue with Milton Keynes Council and a carefully co-ordinated programme of Public Engagement remain key to maintaining long-term programme objectives.
Archaeological Planning Condition discharged.