Archaeological Evaluation, Tewkesbury, Gloucester
A programme of Archaeological Evaluation, followed by Excavation, was undertaken in Tewkesbury, revealing substantial archaeological remains.

In Brief
Archaeological Evaluation, Written Scheme of Investigation; Archaeological Excavation
Location: Tewkesbury, GloucestershireKey Points
- Archaeological Excavation was undertaken following the results of the Evaluation
- A series of Post-Medieval deposits was revealed, with evidence of domestic activity, such as pottery, clay pipe fragments and oyster shell.
- Two trenches revealed substantial archaeological remains: a possible rear courtyard surface and a well capstone
The archaeological evaluation revealed a series of Post-Medieval deposits consisting largely of demolition rubble and garden soils, together with limited evidence of domestic activity, such as pottery, clay pipe fragments and oyster shell.
Following the evaluation, an excavation was undertaken, which encountered two substantial Post-Medieval features. In the south-western corner of the building, part of a possible rear courtyard surface of c. 18th century date was identified, while the north-western area revealed a feature interpreted as a well covering of similar date. The latter appeared to be associated with a heavily worn yard surface.
The site, a former light engineering works, is part of the probable Medieval burgage plot system associated with Tewkesbury. An 18th Century wall incorporated into the factory building likely marked the boundary of one such plot.
The excavation encountered two substantial Post-Medieval features.
In the south-western corner of the building, part of a possible rear courtyard surface of c. 18th Century date was identified, while the north-western area revealed a feature interpreted as a well covering of similar date.