Conservation Area Appraisal, Leominster Town Centre
Working on behalf of Herefordshire Council as part of the High Streets Heritage Action Zones programme, funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and run by Historic England to identify and secure lasting improvements to historic high streets.

In Brief
Conservation Area Appraisal
Location: Leominster Town CentreKey Points
- The well-preserved medieval plan form of narrow streets and lanes, broad thoroughfares, the central market square and the associated pattern of burgage plots;
- The rich stock of historic buildings ranging in date from the 12th to the 20th centuries.
- The interrelationship of the built environment and open spaces, which particularly reflect the strong historical associations between the town and the adjacent Priory precinct.
The architectural heritage of the conservation area is remarkably diverse and includes the remains of the medieval Priory Church, conventual buildings and other ancillary buildings within the Priory precinct, all built of local red sandstone. Within the town, there is a significant number of surviving timber-framed buildings of 14th to 17th century date, many of which are concealed behind later brick and stuccoed frontages of 18th/19th century date, attesting to the importance of the town as a centre for the wool trade during the late medieval and early post-medieval periods.
The continued growth and prosperity of Leominster as an important regional market centre and transport hub during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries is attested by a significant number of fine late Georgian brick townhouses (many of which have later 19th/early 20th century shopfronts inserted), commercial premises and coaching inns.
The precinct boundary of the adjacent medieval Priory is delineated by walls, banks, lanes and watercourses, and the relationship between the borough and priory boundaries remains highly legible. Much of the area within the Priory precinct now comprises recreational open space. The parish church, extensive remains of the conventual buildings, the late 13th century Forbury Chapel at the western gateway to the Priory precinct and the extensive earthworks bordering The Grange are important surviving components of the landscape associated with the medieval Priory precinct.
There are a number of landmark buildings in the conservation area which may be considered as buildings of architectural merit and historical significance which feature noticeably in the context of their individual townscape setting.
View our report here: Leominster Heritage Action Zone Conservation Area Appraisal – Herefordshire Consultations
The Conservation Area Appraisal identified the special character of the town, listing the positive and negative elements and highlighting potential areas of the town to be considered for inclusion within the Conservation Area boundary.