Heritage Impact Assessment, Bridgend, South Wales

Border Archaeology undertook a Heritage Impact Assessment with regards to a planning application for the refurbishment of the Star Public House, with regards to the proposed refurbishment of The Star P.H., Commercial Street, Maesteg and its conversion to commercial/residential use.

In Brief

Client: Private Individual Sector: Construction Services:

Heritage Impact Assessment

Location: Bridgend

Key Points

  • Assessment of the impact of the proposed refurbishment and conversion scheme on The Star P.H., a Grade II listed early 20th century former public house situated at the northern end of the Maesteg Town Centre Conservation Area.
  • The assessment was informed by a detailed site visit and photographic record, consultation of the Glamorgan-Gwent Historic Environment Record, documentary records, historic mapping and old photographs.
  • The Heritage Impact Assessment considered the impact of the proposed scheme on the historic fabric and setting of the Grade II listed former public house and its wider setting within the Maesteg Town Centre Conservation Area.


The impact of the proposed works on the Grade II listed former public house was assessed as Slight to Moderate, reflecting the minimal visual impact of the proposals on the exterior of the building, with historic architectural features being retained, historic windows being restored and a historic doorway being reinstated, although some internal alterations would be made as part of the conversion of the public house to a commercial/residential property.

In terms of impacts on the wider setting of the Conservation Area, it was determined that the impact would be Slight, reflecting that no major changes to the primary elevation of The Star were proposed, with little impact on key views of the Conservation Area which include the building.


The overall impact in heritage terms was assessed as Slight to Moderate, reflecting that while the proposals entail some internal alterations, they will largely enhance the historic fabric, layout and setting of the Grade II listed building. The application was approved with conditions (including a programme of historic building recording prior to commencement of works) allowing development to proceed.