Heritage Impact Assessment, Lichfield

Border Archaeology undertook a Heritage Impact Assessment in support of a planning application submitted to Lichfield District Council for the construction of a one-storey extension and alteration to the rear and side elevations of a building in the Elford Conservation Area and in the setting of a number of Grade II List structures and a Locally Listed Building.

In Brief

Client: Private Individual Sector: Construction Services:

Heritage Impact Assessment

Location: Lichfield

Key Points

  • Heritage Impact Assessment to accompany a planning application submitted to Lichfield District Council for the construction of a two-car garage extension and several changes to the side and rear elevations The Limes, The Shrubbery, a house in the Elford Conservation Area.


The impact to these heritage assets was assessed in the range of Neutral to Slight, principally reflecting that the site was densely screened by vegetation and its surrounding topography, as well as the limited scale and extent of change represented by the proposed works. Some key characteristics of the Elford Conservation Area include the settlement’s dense vegetation and informal layout, which would not be impacted by the proposed development and which already screen the predominantly late-20th to 21st century buildings in this area of the Conservation Area.


Planning approval was granted.