Heritage Impact Assessment, Shropshire

Border Archaeology undertook a Heritage Impact Assessment with regards to a planning application for the establishment of a temporary transit site for travellers on land to the north of the Ellesmere Road Roundabout, on the north-west outskirts of Shrewsbury.

In Brief

Client: Local Authority Sector: Construction Services:

Heritage Impact Assessment

Location: Shropshire

Key Points

  • Assessment of the potential archaeological and heritage impacts of the proposed development, situated 400m south-west of the Registered Battlefield of Shrewsbury (1403), the site of a decisive battle between King Henry IV and the Percy family, earls of Northumberland.
  • The assessment was informed by a detailed site visit, consultation of the Shropshire Historic Environment Record, reports on previous archaeological investigations in the area, documentary records, historic mapping and aerial photographs.
  • Assessment of the impacts on the settings of the Registered Battlefield of Shrewsbury, a Grade II* listed 15th century church (St Mary Magdalene, Battlefield, built to commemorate the battle) about 1.3km NE of the proposed development and Albright Hussey Manor, a Grade II* 16th/17th century moated manor house situated about 720m NE of the site.


In terms of archaeology, it was determined that there was Moderate potential to encounter evidence of medieval activity including remains associated with the Battle of Shrewsbury. The potential for encountering archaeological remains of prehistoric, Romano-British and post-medieval date was assessed as Low to Moderate.

In terms of heritage impacts, it was concluded that, due to the low height of the development and proposed landscaping along the north and northeastern boundary of the site, the impact of the proposed development on the setting of the Registered Battlefield of Shrewsbury, St Mary Magdalene Church and Albright Hussey Manor would be Slight.


The overall impact in archaeological terms was assessed as Moderate, while the overall impact on heritage assets was assessed as Slight.  The application was approved with conditions, allowing development to proceed.