Heritage Impact Assessment, South Yorkshire
Heritage Impact Assessment undertaken in advance of the construction of a proposed new car park within the historic centre of Barnsley (South Yorkshire).

In Brief
Heritage Impact Assessment
Location: Barnsley, South YorkshireKey Points
- Key Points: Heritage Impact Assessment submitted to accompany a planning application for the construction of a proposed new car park at Wellington Street, Barnsley (South Yorkshire), within the historic core of the town and on the site of demolished Grade II listed late 19th century Cooperative Store and an earlier 19th century Methodist Chapel and its associated burial ground.
BA undertook a Heritage Impact Assessment in support of a planning application submitted to South Barnsley Council for the construction of a new car park on land at Wellington Street, within the historic centre of Barnsley.
The potential for the survival of archaeological remains was assessed as High, reflecting the location of the site within the historic core of Barnsley, and the potential for encountering remains associated with the early 19th century New Street Methodist Chapel and its associated burial ground. The potential for prehistoric, Romano-British and medieval remains was assessed as Low. An appropriate programme of archaeological observation in order to determine the extent, depth and significance of buried archaeological features and deposits across the site was recommended.
The Heritage Impact Assessment successfully demonstrated that the archaeological and heritage potential of the site did not present an impediment to development.
Planning application approved with attached condition for watching brief, allowing development to proceed.