Heritage Impact Assessment, Winchester College
A Heritage Impact Assessment was undertaken to examine the impacts on archaeological and built heritage assets as a result of the proposed demolition and redevelopment of the Winchester College Southern Campus site.

In Brief
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment; Heritage Impact Assessment
Location: Winchester College CampusKey Points
- Sensitive site on the outskirts of historic Winchester
- Impacts on archaeology and built heritage assessed and appropriate mitigation proposed
The Heritage Impact Assessment assessed the respective impacts on archaeological and built heritage assets in the immediate vicinity of the site and also considered wider visual impacts resulting from the proposed development on the Winchester Conservation Area.
With regard to archaeology, it was determined that there was Moderate potential for encountering evidence of prehistoric activity and Roman and medieval occupation and Low potential for post-medieval remains.
Following adjustments to the design of the proposed buildings, some of which were made with input from Border Archaeology during the design process, the overall impacts on the setting of specific built heritage assets and upon long distance views across the Winchester Conservation area were assessed as being generally in the Slight to Neutral range.
Following a positive response to the Heritage Impact Assessment from Winchester City Council, the planning application was approved.