Heritage Statement, Leominster, Herefordshire

Heritage Statement was undertaken on plans to convert traditional barns near Lower Hyde, Leominster on a sensitive site next to a Scheduled Monument

In Brief

Client: Architectural Practice Sector: Historic Buildings; Built Heritage; Conservation Services:

Services: Heritage Statement; Architectural Analysis & Documentary Research; Built Heritage Assessment

Location: Barns, Herefordshire

Key Points

  • Assessment of plans to develop on a sensitive site adjacent to Scheduled medieval moat and close to two Listed buildings
  • Successfully overcame previous concerns allowing development to proceed


This pair of traditional brick and timber-framed barns stands partially on the infilled moat associated with a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

Comprising the well-preserved earthworks of a medieval moated site, probably of 12th or 13th century origin, this monument represented a significant constraint on development, with groundworks potentially impacting on the moat, its fills and possible structural remains.

Concerns were also raised about the potential impact of development on nearby Listed buildings.

Working through a set of recognised Heritage assessment criteria, we were able to demonstrate the potential impact of development would be slight.


We successfully overcame previous concerns raised by Historic England and Herefordshire Council allowing development to proceed