Shoreditch High Street, Heritage Assessment
BA undertook a Heritage Assessment to support a planning appeal regarding an application for a temporary non-illuminated advertising banner on the southern elevation of a derelict office building in Shoreditch High Street, London Borough of Hackney.

In Brief
Key Points
- Situated in South Shoreditch Conservation Area
- Regarded as a negative building within the Conservation Area
- Proposed introduction of a temporary non-illuminated banner
The assessment examined the impact of the proposals on the setting of nearby heritage assets including the South Shoreditch Conservation Area, an historic area of urban settlement with a distinctly mercantile and industrial character defined by 19th century factories, shop premises and commercial warehousing, on the northern edge of the City of London.
It was argued that the proposed introduction of a temporary non-illuminated banner, along with appropriate anti-graffiti measures, will have a beneficial short-term effect, serving to conceal the façade of the existing derelict four-storey building (Boundary House) which was erected in the 1970s and in its present state, is regarded as a negative building within the Conservation Area.
The planning appeal was successful, allowing the development to proceed.