Watching Brief (Archaeological Observation) Shrewsbury
On behalf of a house builder we undertook a Watching Brief (Archaeological Observation) of groundworks and Structural Recording relating to a new road, 53 flats, 39 residential units and 2 retail units.

In Brief
Watching Brief (Archaeological Observation); Structural Recording; Post-Excavation Assessment
Location: St Julian's Friars ShrewsburyKey Points
- Housing Development
- 53 flats, 39 residential units, 2 retail units and a new road
- Structural recording of the 13th century town wall revealed considerable post-medieval repair
- Beyond the wall, no pre-19th century deposits were encountered
Excavation and piling operations were carried out under Archaeological Observation either side of a surviving section of the 13th century town wall. A bridge was proposed to mitigate any impact of the new road on the medieval remains.
Detailed drawn and photographic recording of the wall revealed considerable post-medieval repairs and underpinning.
The masonry also showed evidence of earlier impact with much of its upper section damaged or missing.
19th century cellarage and 19th/20th century demolition rubble had clearly impacted heavily upon any earlier below ground deposits.
Archaeological Planning Conditions discharged