Archaeological Services
From pre-planning advice through to discharge of planning conditions, we offer a complete range of Archaeological and Heritage services.
A variety of surveys, from Fieldwalking to Geophysical, depending on specific project requirements
In advance of fieldwork, a walkover survey examines the ground within a specified area of archaeological potential for evidence of surface features
A systematic recovery and recording of artefacts found on the surface, providing insight whether further investigation is required
An ADBA specifically assesses the potential and significance of the buried resource within a site
A key document outlining the specific methodology for any type of project
Usually specified as part of a Planning Condition, Archaeological Observation involves close monitoring of invasive groundworks
Often known as Trial Trenching, this is frequently required as a condition of planning and the results determine whether archaeological mitigation is required
Also known as Mitigation and may take one of two forms: Strip, Map & Sample or Full Excavation
The process of analysis, cataloguing and interpretation of all the artefactual, osteological, palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic evidence