Heritage Statement
What is a Heritage Assessment?
A Heritage Assessment (HA) can mean a number of things…
A local authority may request a HA to provide further information in order to assess the potential effects of a proposed development on designated or non-designated Heritage assets. These assets may lie above or below ground. They can include archaeological sites, buildings, Archaeological Priority Areas and Conservation Areas.
The assessment is generally based on the consultation of the relevant regional Historic Environment Record (HER) and other readily available sources of archaeological and historic information.
A HA often includes a site visit and where necessary, the photographic recording of a specific site or building.
Based on the data gathered, an appropriately detailed report will be produced assessing the significance of archaeological and built heritage assets within the site and the potential magnitude of impact.
The report will be based upon nationally recognised criteria for the assessment of heritage assets and their respective settings.
Border Archaeology has over 27 years of experience delivering Heritage Assessments for a diverse range of sites, both urban and rural, across England and Wales. We have overcome consultee and other parties’ concerns to facilitate the progress of planning applications enabling development to proceed.
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What Happens Next?
The report will be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority in support of the application.
In the case of a Listed Building, the report may be submitted to a National Heritage body such as Historic England or Cadw.
In the case of a development affecting a Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM), Historic England or Cadw will always be consulted in addition to the local Planning Authority.