Post-Excavation Analysis & Recording

What is Post-Excavation Analysis and Recording?

Post-Excavation is the process of analysis, cataloguing and interpretation of all the artefactual, osteological, palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic evidence collected during the relevant archaeological fieldwork.

Post excavation procedures bring a range of disparate scientific techniques, much evolved over the recent decades, to resolve questions such as date, form, function, and provenance of archaeological material. It should be noted that these types of works are always a required part of the archaeological reporting process required by the Local Planning Authority. This is because they provide an invaluable and broader understanding of the results from site investigations.

All such works are consistent with professional standards such as those published by Historic England and the respective scientific specialisms.

Our in-house Finds Specialists and Conservators are able to process assemblages efficiently and report on results, whether dealing with small watching briefs or large multiperiod sites. Assemblages of finds in excess of 50,000 items and sometimes twice that are not uncommon.

Our Specialists have expertise in palaeoenvironmental science, human osteology, archaeozoology, small finds, pottery, glass and a number of smaller artefact classes. We also consult with leading external specialists who are on-hand to analyse any additional materials.

Each specialist function will produce a specific site-related report to support the general interpretations and conclusion of the site investigation.

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What Happens Next?

Post-Excavation results are fundamental to the final report which is submitted to the Local Planning Authority and forms an integral part of the Site Archive Deposition.

Meet some of our Post-Excavation Team

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