Written Scheme of Investigation
What is it?
The Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) is a key document which details fieldwork and post-excavation methodologies for the resolution of archaeological planning conditions.
The WSI is prepared by our Team generally in response to a project brief issued by the Local Authority Archaeological Officer.
Written Schemes of Investigation are produced for all types of Heritage work, including archaeological watching briefs (archaeological observations), evaluations and excavations, in addition to historic building recordings and, if required, for non-intrusive survey work.
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Our WSIs meet the requirements of Local Authorities and are of the highest professional standard.
What’s involved?
Before preparing a WSI, our Team will liaise with the relevant Local Authority, Heritage bodies (as required) and clients to ensure the most effective methodology is implemented for the discharge of planning conditions.
What Happens Next?
Work proceeds in accordance with the approved WSI.
Meet our WSI Team